Designed by renowned architect Kobi Karp, Uptown Marina Lofts is an industrial chic structure that stands out boldly from its surroundings. The 213 condominium building features 1, 2, and 3-bedroom lofts, which all follow the community's industrial driven aesthetic. From a fashionable arrival at Uptown's elegant porte-cochere, residents enter a stunning three-story designer lobby, where they find the attended concierge and information desk. Uptown Marina Lofts Residents have everything they need at their fingertips. Located in the heart of South Florida's fastest growing upscale enclave, Uptown Marina Lofts provides residents with access to a wide variety of shopping, fining dining, and entertainment venues.
Uptown Marina Lofts received a Florida's Best Award in Interior Design, Outdoor Lifestyle, Entryway and Overall Project.